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Biodiversity Conservation
KMG understands the importance of preserving biological diversity in the areas of production activities.

Within its environmental policy, the company undertakes:

- not to carry out activities in specially protected natural areas that are of particular value as a habitat for rare, endangered and high value species of animals; to conduct risk assessment when operating in environmentally sensitive areas.

- when planning and implementing production activities, apply a hierarchy of measures to mitigate the impact on biodiversity, taking into account four key actions: prevention, minimization, restoration and compensation of potential significant direct impacts.

- participate in research programs and industry partnerships to further accumulate knowledge and develop innovative solutions in the field of environmental protection and biodiversity protection.

- prevent illegal hunting, fishing and other use of flora and fauna by its employees, as well as employees of contractors and subcontractors in the contract areas.

Location and extent of production activities in relation to key biodiversity areas
Key Biodiversity Areas (KBA)
Location in Relation to KBA
Contract Territory (sq. km)
Impact mitigation plan
Mugalzhar District of Aktobe Region
Kokzhide-Kumzhargan Local State Nature Reserve
Covers part of the territory
Hydrogeological monitoring
and Kozhasay
Mugalzhar District of Aktobe Region
Kokzhide Sands Kokzhide underground water
Located in close proximity
Hydrogeological monitoring
The north-eastern part of KSCS, Mangystau region
Special environmentally sensitive zone of Kazakhstan Sector of the Caspian Sea
Located in the nature conservation area
Seasonal baseline environmental studies, Regular environmental monitoring
North-western part of KSCS Atyrau district
Special environmentally sensitive area of KSCS
Located in the nature conservation area
Seasonal baseline environmental studies, Regular environmental monitoring
The southern part of KSCS, Mangystau region
Environmentally sensitive area of KSCS
Does not affect the KBA
Seasonal baseline environmental studies, Regular environmental monitoring

SDEs of KMG operating onshore constantly monitor the flora and fauna. In the process of collecting data on the state of natural objects, the following studies are carried out:

  • floristic research;
  • observation of land mammals.
  • ornithological research;

Monitoring of the vegetation cover is carried out by the method of periodic description of phytocenoses, indicating the species composition, abundance, general and particular projective soil cover by plants, distribution of species, their phenological development and general condition. Of particular note are:

- rare, endemic, and relict plant species;

- the presence of species whose development is stimulated by economic activity;

- signs of transformation and degradation of vegetation cover.


KMG manages potential risks of negative impacts on biodiversity in emergencies and provides animal rescue measures in its Oil Spill Response Plans.

During operations at sea, we strictly adhere to the following principles:

* Strict observance of design decisions;

* The principle of "zero discharge" - all waste and sewage is taken ashore;

* Provision of all swimming facilities with fish protection devices and the absence of bilge waters;

* * Prohibition on conducting production operations during the spawning period - from April 1 to July 15;

* Ban on fishing from production vessels;

* Prohibition on testing wells and burning hydrocarbons at night;

* Compliance with the special mode of use.

KMG engages with different stakeholders and examines their expectations.

Examples of events

Embamunaigas JSC carried out work on the installation of bird protection devices on the insulators of the overhead transmission lines. KazTransOil JSC overhauled a 6 kW overhead line using self-supporting insulated wires (SSIW) at the facilities of Umirzak-SPN 112 km (30 km) and Zhetybay-SPN 112 km section 65-112 km (57 km)), which completely prevents the death of birds when landing on overhead power lines.

In 2022, Zhenis Operating LLP, together with Republican state budget-supported enterprise ‘Atyrau sturgeon fish-breeding farm’, carried out work on the production of juvenile sturgeon linkage 1.5 g in the quantity of 28,123 pcs in the amount of 1.4 mln tenge, followed by their release into the Ural river. This work was carried out in order to indemnify against the inevitable damage caused to fish resources and replenish the biodiversity of the Caspian Sea. The place, term, method and technique of fish stocking were carried out in accordance with the scientific recommendations of the research-and-production center of the fisheries of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

In order to exclude the death of birds from electric shock on overhead power lines at the facilities of the trunk lines of KazTransOil JSC in 2022, the works were carried out on the installation of bird protection devices (BPD) in the amount of 12,581.930 thous. tenge, which significantly reduced the probability of bird death when landing on line disconnectors (line isolating switch outdoor two-column). In general, upon the Company 242 sets have been installed in the Zhezkazgan, Shymkent, Atyrau oil pipeline departments.

In KazakhOil Aktobe LLP on the 6 kV overhead line of the Alibekmola and Kozhasai fields in order to prevent electric shock to birds were installed the standoff insulators, excluding touches of the second potential (‘phase’, ‘earth’). On the 35 kV overhead line, the birds electrocution is excluded by the fact that the wires are fixed on suspended insulators, which do not allow touching the second potential.

In December 2022, KMG experts took part in a round table on the topic: ‘Birds and energetics: in search of sustainable development’, organized by the Association of Legal Entities ‘Association of Environmental Organizations of Kazakhstan’. Topical subjects on the implementation of Renewable Energy Sources projects in Kazakhstan, legislation in the field of ornithofauna development, review of information transparency of companies, causes of bird deaths, bird protection devices of overhead power transmission lines and substations were discussed.

In October 2023, KMG experts took part in the III International Scientific and Practical Conference "Eagles of the Palearctic: study and protection" in Almaty. Sessions and round tables were held on the topic of bird deaths at power lines and wind farms in order to share experience in solving bird safety, mechanisms to reduce the negative impact of wind farms on bird of prey populations.

Every year, as part of the implementation of the Environmental Action Plan, KMG SDEs carry out work on planting trees and shrubs on the territory and the sanitary protection zone.

Specially protected natural areas
  • The Novinsky State Reserve
  • North Caspian Preserved Area
  • Ustyurt Reserve
  • Kenderli-Kayasan State Reserve Zone
  • State Complex Nature Reserve Kokzhide – Kumzhargan

The Novinsky State Reserve with an area of 45.0 thousand hectares was founded in 1967 on the islands of the same name and a water area to protect wetlands in the eastern part of the Volga Delta on the border of Kazakhstan and Russia. Rare species of plants are protected in the reserve: water chestnut, hindu lotus, astrakhan campion, white water lily, as well as spicies of animal world: muskrat, river beaver, long-tailed hedgehog, 27 species of birds (pink and curly pelicans, flamingos, whooper swan, small white heron, yellow heron, spoonbill, white-eyed duck, etc.). Currently, the territory of the reserve is almost completely under water due to rising sea levels.

North Caspian water zone is unique in terms of the biological and commercial value of the ichthyofauna, especially the sturgeon species. The Northern and Middle Caspian are one of the most valuable areas and nodal points of the annual migration of millions of waterfowl and near-water birds, and places of winter bedding and breeding of seals. At the end of the 70s, for the conservation and reproduction of fish stocks of the Caspian Sea, the Northern Caspian protected area was approved and organized.
The impact of production on biodiversity is associated with exploration works and includes noise, vibration, traffic, land relief transformation, and taking the area of the possible habitat of animals.
To reduce the impact on biodiversity, environmental monitoring is mandatory in accordance with programs approved by the authorized body in the field of environmental protection.

Ustyurt Reserve is included in the List of subsoil areas of special ecological, scientific, and cultural value, classified as specially protected natural areas of republican significance. Kendirli Spring is included in the list of hydrogeological objects of the state natural reserve fund of republican and international significance. The Ustyurt Reserve includes unique geological, paleontological, and archaeological sites, it is a key habitat for a number of species listed in the Red Books of various levels (goitered gazelle, urial, caracal, saker falcon, golden eagle, eagle owl, jack, etc.). In addition, this area is to be given the status of a UNESCO World Natural Heritage Site. In accordance with the environmental legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, status of State Nature Reserve allows the introduction of reserve status with complete prohibition of economic activity.

Near the Ustyurt Reserve, there is the Kenderli-Kayasan State Reserve Zone, on the territory of which geological study and exploration of minerals are allowed taking into account special environmental requirements established by the Environmental Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

There are two objects of natural reserved fund of the republican significance on the territory of the reserve Kokzhide-Kumzhargan: Kokzhide sands and Kokzhide groundwaters. The Kokzhide sands are a geological object of republican significance, which is of special ecological and scientific value. The sands are the reservoir of a unique underground water deposit;
The groundwater of the Kokzhide deposit is a hydrogeological object of special ecological and scientific value, as the largest groundwater deposit in Western Kazakhstan and unique in terms of the quality of drinking water